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  • 31 Mar 2022
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The impact that Daylight Savings has on an employees pay

Daylight Savings ends at 3:00 am on Sunday, 3 April 2022

In our time zone, the daylight saving dates and the rules around what happens if you are working when the clocks change are governed by 2 pieces of legislation.

  • Time Act

  • NZ Daylight Time Order

So what happens you are working when the clocks change?

Working when daylight saving begins or ends
Early Sunday morning was chosen for the changeover because fewer people are working at that time, and this reduces the impact on workers and employers.

If you are working when daylight saving begins and the clocks go forward, you actually work an hour less, but you are entitled to payment for your normal hours. For example, if you were meant to work from midnight to 8 am you will only work 7 hours, but you are entitled to be paid for 8 hours of work.

If you are working when daylight saving ends and clocks go back an hour you are entitled to any extra hours that you work. So if you were meant to be working from midnight to 8 am but actually, work 9 hours you will be paid for 9 hours of work.


Source - https://www.govt.nz/browse/recreation-and-the-environment/daylight-saving/